
Front Page / Shipping Confirmation

Shipping Confirmation

Dear {username},

Thank you for using our online cancellation service.

Your registered letter has been sent today to {servicename}.

Track & Trace code {servicename}: {barcode}

Click on the barcode to check the status of your shipment. This code will remain available for 90 days.

It may take several hours for your letter of notice to be tracked through this tracking link.
Overview of your order
Letter of termination {servicename} {serviceaddress} Click here to download your cancellation letter.
Your details {customeraddress}
Our general terms and conditions can be found on the website at any time.
This is an automatically generated email, unfortunately we cannot reply to this message. Do you have any questions, comments or suggestions? Please consult our helpdesk page or contact our customer service via If you have any questions about the status of your cancellation, we advise you to contact your service provider directly.